Electric Operation propels truck and trailer (fully loaded at 80,000 lbs.) up to 25 mph; producing zero emissions (speed can be customized to operator drive cycle)
Commercially Available Components – Simplifies remaining commercialization process.
No Range Anxiety as the batteries recharge internally when the engine is on at over 25 mph, unlike battery electric trucks. The battery can also be recharged at the same rate as when over 25 mph when the engine is at idle. In addition, CNG/LNG and Hydrogen trucks are range restricted by refueling infrastructure.
Reduced Fuel, MaintenanceCosts, & Emissions because the truck can be operated at low-speed operation without the diesel engine (utilizing electric), thus consuming no fuel, eliminating emissions and stress on all parts associated with the ICE. A significant savings will be realized as to diesel particulate filter (DPF) and related fueling.
Ease of Operation, the driver uses electric power, not the clutch, when maneuvering the truck on inclines and in tight areas such as load and unload points. The system seamlessly transitions to a truck’s existing diesel engine for speeds over 25 miles per hour.
Speed under electric can be customized to operator’s duty/drive cycle
Installed on any manual, automated manual transmission model Class 7-8 truck with a PTO and is transferrable to other trucks. Brand of Truck: Agnostic
Extends the life of existing tractor which has become significant due to the rising costs of new and used trucks.
Noise Reduction when operating electric mode in an Urban environments and Residential Areas
Anti-Idler/Cabin Comfort provides electric power for HVAC, Lighting and Driver convenience services during mandated 10-hour rest period (OTR benefit). Typically, a long-haul truck idles about 1,800 hours per year, using about 1,500 gallons of diesel.
Simplicity of Operating and Shifting Modes and Gears – Safe and smooth switching between ICE and Electric modes; seamless to driver.
Patents cover 80% of global market (North America, Europe, and Asia).